Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT, 广东以色列理工) has been established by the bi-lateral agreement between Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Technion, 以色列理工) and Shantou Municipality (汕头市) thanks to the generous donation of Li Ka-Shing Foundation (李嘉诚基金会). It is aimed to build GTIIT to be a world-recognized high-level research-based institute in education, scientific research, and innovation.
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Technion, 以色列理工) is one of the best research Institute in the world, where Prof. Albert Einstein (爱因斯坦) served as the first chairman of its society. Technion ranks 85th in the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU, Shanghai Rankings, 软科世界大学学术排名) in 2019.
All teaching and student supervision etc. are conducted in English. MSc and Ph.D. students will take graduate courses and have a co-advisor in Technion, while the majority of research and experimental activities are in GTIIT. Most importantly, students will be awarded with a diploma by Technion (获得世界学术排名85的,以色列理工的文凭).
Postdoctoral Researchers
There are two postdoctoral positions available for creative, passionate, and highly motivated researchers. Generous salary (~¥250,000 per year provided by the PI + ¥100,000 per year provided by the Shantou City; 待遇丰厚,课题组工资加上汕头市的人才补助年薪可达35万,并且有独立办公室,独立公寓,及五险一金) will be provided. Those with research backgrounds and expertise in, but not limited to:
(1) Fluid Dynamics and/or computational fluid dynamics (流体力学 / 计算流体力学),
(2) Thermal-Fluids and/or Thermophysics (热流科学 / 工程热物理),
(3) Interfacial Phenomena, Microfluidics, and/or Soft Matter (界面现象 / 微流体 / 软物质),
(4) Surface Engineering and/or Micro-/Nano-Fabrications (表面改性 / 微纳米制造)
(5) MEMS and/or piezoelectric materials (微机电系统 / 压电材料)
are encouraged to apply.
Please feel free to contact Dr. Jiang by sending a CV with previous research activities in detail and future research plans (e.g., why and how you will be fitted in and benefited from this group).
Perspective MSc & Ph.D. Students
Funded positions (four in total) are available for creative, passionate, and highly motivated MSc (Master of Science) & Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) students. The tuition will be covered (worth ¥100,000 per year), a generous salary (>¥82,000 per year for Ph.D. students) and subsidized room rental on campus (租房补助) will be provided for both Ph.D. and MSc students. Self-supporting students are also encouraged to apply. For the Ph.D. program, a Master's degree and thesis are required except for exceptional candidates and a minimum GPA of 85 (3.5) in courses is also required. For the MSc program, a minimum GPA of 83 (3.3) is required. The length of study in Ph.D. program is 3 - 4 years with a Master's degree and the MSc program is 2 - 3 years with the completion of a master's thesis. The students will take graduate courses (two semesters for Ph.D. program and one semester for M.S. program) and have a world-renowned co-advisor at Technion, and eventually receive the prestigious MSc and Ph.D. diploma awarded by Technion. You will receive rigorous scientific training and get access/exposure to the world-leading research communities in Interfacial Phenomena and Thermofluids.
Those with research and educational backgrounds in:
Mechanical / Aerospace / Ocean Engineering (机械工程 / 热能与动力工程 / 航天航海工程)
(1) Fluid Dynamics and/or computational fluid dynamics (流体力学 / 计算流体力学),
(2) Thermal-Fluids and/or Thermophysics (热流科学 / 工程热物理 / 制冷与低温工程),
Material Science & Chemical Engineering (材料科学 & 化学工程)
(3) Interfacial Phenomena, Microfluidics, and/or Soft Matter (界面现象 / 微流体 / 软物质)
(4) Surface Engineering and/or Micro-/Nano-Fabrications (表面改性 / 微纳米制造)
Electrical Engineering (电子工程 / 电气工程)
(5) MEMS and/or Piezoelectric Materials (微机电系统 / 压电材料)
Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
are encouraged to apply.
A GRE score (GRE code: 4213 Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology (China)) will be required for students enrolled in most programs, including the Mechanical Engineering Program. Please see details here. Nevertheless, TOEFL or IELTS scores are not necessary.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact Dr. Jiang by sending a CV with previous research activities in detail, research interest (e.g., why do you want to work with Dr. Jiang), and a transcript with scores (成绩单).
More explanation about the application processes and study at GTIIT can be found here.
Research Assistants (科研助理:仅为未来的硕博学生提供过渡)
There might be several openings available for creative, passionate, and highly motivated research assistants. A salary will be provided (全职科研助理在本校视作正式工作人员,本科毕业生每月税前不低于¥4000,硕士毕业生不低于¥7000, 且都有正式合同及五险一金). Those with educational and research backgrounds in, but not limited to:
(1) Fluid Dynamics and/or computational fluid dynamics (流体力学 / 计算流体力学),
(2) Thermal-Fluids and/or Thermophysics (热流科学 / 工程热物理),
(3) Interfacial Phenomena, Microfluidics, and/or Soft Matter (界面现象 / 微流体 / 软物质),
(4) Surface Engineering and/or Micro-/Nano-Fabrications (表面改性 / 微纳米制造)
(5) MEMS and/or Piezoelectric Materials (微机电系统 / 压电材料)
are encouraged to apply.
You will receive rigorous scientific training and get access/exposure to the world-leading research communities in Interfacial Phenomena and Thermofluids. You will also have opportunities to participate in research projects and author/co-author journal papers. Upon request, excellent students will be recommended to the MSc or Ph.D. program in GTIIT and/or other leading groups in internationally-recognized universities.
If interested, please contact Dr. Jiang by sending a CV with previous research activities in detail and research interest (e.g., why do you want to work with Dr. Jiang).
Visiting Graduate Students (访问学生:联合培养)
This group always welcomes highly motivated visiting students and an allowance for visiting will be provided (访问学生按兼职科研助理待遇,每月税前~¥2500). Those with educational and research backgrounds in, but not limited to:
Mechanical Engineering (机械工程 / 热能与动力工程),
Aerospace / Marine / Ocean Engineering (航天航空工程 / 海洋工程)
Material Science & Chemical Engineering (材料科学 & 化学工程)
Electrical Engineering (电子工程 / 电气工程)
Mineral Engineering (矿业工程)
Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
are encouraged to apply.
You will receive rigorous scientific training and get access/exposure to the world-leading research communities in Interfacial Phenomena and Thermofluids. You will also have opportunities to participate research projects and author/co-author journal papers, and the preparation of your thesis will be advised. Based on mutual agreement, excellent students will be recommended to the Ph.D. program in GTIIT and/or other leading groups in internationally-recognized universities.
If interested, please contact Dr. Jiang by sending a CV with previous/current research activities in detail, research interest (e.g., why do you want to work with Dr. Jiang), and contact information of your current advisor.