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     Dr. Jiang's research topics mainly include (1) Droplet statics, (2) Droplet dynamics, and (3) Surface engineering, with a  focus on how surface properties affect the phenomena relating to droplet statics and dynamics, where the effect of liquid-gas interfacial tension dominates. The specialty or uniqueness of Dr. Jiang's research can be summarized as Smart and Soft Interfacial Phenomena (智柔界面现象), as the current focus of Dr. Jiang's group is droplet statics and dynamics on well-ordered, stimuli-responsive, flexible, superhydrophobic microstructures

       The physics behind those topics are quite interdisciplinary, spanning from Fluid Mechanics (流体力学), Solid Mechanics (固体力学), Phase-Change Heat Transfer (传热传质), (4) Physical Chemistry (物理化学), to (5) Nano-/micro-fabrication (微纳制造).  

Surface Engineering



Fluid Dynamics

Phase-Change Heat Transfer

Solid Mechanics

     With a primary focus on fundamentals, the detailed research topics are listed below:

(1) Droplet Dynamics 液滴动力学 (coalescence, impact, rebound, transport, etc.)

(2) Droplet Statics 液滴静力学 (wetting, adhesion, contact line, contact angles, depinning, etc.)

(3) Surface engineering 表面工程 (superhydrophobic, flexible, stimuli-responsive surfaces, etc.)

Droplet Dynamics

Droplet dynamics.jpg

Droplet Statics

Droplet mobility.jpg

Surface Engineering

Surface engineering.JPG

​人才项目(Talent grants)


  • 2024-: 广东省青年拔尖人才(Excellent Young Talents in Guangdong)​​

​基金(Funding grants)


  • Dec. 2024-: 广东以色列理工-以色列理工合作培育基金(Seed Grants at GTIIT and at the Technion),液滴柔性微结构耦合动力学(Droplets-Flexible Microstructures Dynamic Coupling) ,主持(PI),合作者(Collaborator: Prof. Oleg Gendelman),每方3万美金($ 30,000 in USD for each part)。

  • April. 2024-: 广东以色列理工常州创新研究院种子基金(Seed Projects of GTIIT - Changzhou Innovation Research Institute), 磁响应纺织品:用于抗疾病传播的智能口罩和极端天气下的户外服装(Magneto-Responsive Textiles for Smart Masks against Disease Transmission and Outdoor Apparels in Extreme Weather Conditions), 主持(PI),30万(¥300,000)。

  • April. 2024-: 李嘉诚基金会-汕大-广以合作基金(Li Ka-Shing Foundation, STU-GTIIT Joint Research Grants), 含磁感应颗粒液滴在织构基底的去钉扎与操控机制(Depinning and Manipulation of Droplets Containing Ferromagnetic Particles on Textured Substrates), 主持(PI),合作者(Collaborator: Xiaodong Niu牛小东 and Hongyan Jiang姜红岩 at STU),80万(¥800,000)。

  • Jan. 2023-: 国家自然科学基金-青年项目(National Science Foundation of China -  Young Scientist Program),柔性微柱阵列上非牛顿流液滴固-液-气界面钉扎与协同演化机制(The pinning and synergistic dynamics of solid-liquid-gas interfaces of non-Newtonian droplets on flexible pillar arrays),主持(PI),30万(¥300,000)。

  • Sept. 2022-: 广东省教育厅-特色创新项目(Department of Education of Guangdong-Featured Innovation Program),柔性磁控微结构阵列构建及其主动移除液滴机制研究(Fabrication of magneto-responsive microstructure arrays and their active removal of droplets),主持(PI),20万(¥200,000,自筹,Internally-supported)。

  • July 2022-: 广东以色列理工-以色列理工合作培育基金(Seed Grants at GTIIT and at the Technion),复合液滴撞击复杂基底(Compound droplet impact onto complex surfaces) ,主持(PI),合作者(Collaborator: Prof. Alexander Oron),每方3万美金($ 30,000 in USD for each part)。

  • June 2022-: 非线性力学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(Opening Fund of State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics),液滴在磁控柔性微柱阵列的多方向操控机制(Multi-directional droplet manipulation on flexible magnet-responsive wire arrays),主持(PI),合作者(Collaborator: Prof. Dongshi Guan, 关东石教授),5万(¥50,000

  • Jan. 2022- : ​广东省自然科学基金面上项目(General Program of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong),对柔性基底的可控微液滴打印方法及其机理研究(Controllable droplet printing on soft surfaces: Methods and Mechanisms),主持(PI),10万(¥100,000)。

  • Oct. 2021- :  广东省自然科学基金青年项目(Youth Program of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong),粘弹性超疏水基底上液滴钉扎与运动机理研究(Droplet pinning and dynamics on viscoelastic superhydrophobic surfaces),主持(PI),10万(¥100,000)。

  • Oct. 2021-: 广东省科技创新战略专项资金(基础研究重大项目)(Special Fund for the Cultivation of Science and Technology Innovation for Major Program for the Fundamental Research of Guangdong Province),极端条件下未来功能材料的基础和应用研究(Basic and Applied Research on Future Functional Materials under Extreme Conditions),主要参与(Co-PI,PI:龚新高院士,Academician D. Xingao Gong),共4500万(with a sum of ¥45,000,000)。

Before GTIIT


  • National Science Foundation (美国), Structured Surfaces for Prevention of Ice Adhesion and Growth (结构表面抑制冰的形成与粘附), Sep. 2015 - Aug. 2019, $316,399, Participated (参与). 

  • National Science Foundation (美国), Hydropower Plant on a Chip: Frictionless Nanochannel Systems for Hydroelectric Power Generation (芯片水力发电场:无阻纳米通道发电), June 2015 - May 2019, $199,990, Participated (参与).

  • ACS-PRF (美国), Rejuvenating Conjugated Polymer Membranes for Oily Water Treatment (可复原聚合物对油水处理研究), Sep. 2016 - Aug. 2018, $110,000, Participated (参与)

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